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The secret to feeling more confident

The secret to feeling more confident | Dr Andrea Haas Confidence Coach & Hypnotherapist

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Then become competent in something.

Becoming an โ€œexpertโ€ in something and youโ€™ll naturally become confident.

Itโ€™s that easy!

Everyone can feel confident.

The secret to feeling more confident...

Just choose something youโ€™re passionate about or naturally good at, something you enjoy.

  • ย Work at it.

  • ย Learn about it.

  • ย Become knowledgeable and skilled in it.

And because youโ€™re passionate about it, itโ€™s easy, itโ€™s no effort and you naturally enjoy it.ย 

You then become competent in that area.

By increasing your competence in something you become more confident.

This builds your enjoyment which makes you want to learn even more. Itโ€™s a positive loop.ย 

Being knowledgeable in a specific area, and having people ask your opinion or advice gives you a feeling of status. This is a Human Given.ย 

Once you know what it feels like to be confident you can learn to transfer this feeling to other areas of your life.ย 

Want to know more, I'd love to invite you to explore.


Dr Andrea Haas is a Confidence Coach, Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner based in Sherborne, Dorset

About the Author

Dr Andrea Haas is a Confidence Coach, Hypnotherapist, EFT Practitioner based in Sherborne, Dorset, supporting women toย release their limiting beliefs and habits, connect with their self-worth, and embrace a more fulfilling life.

Find out more about Andrea's servicesย or get in touch to kick start your personal growth today.

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